Ronnie,s Music With A Message.

Portfolio: A message to The Union Bears Society.

27-May-2024, HSDH.

I would like to donate, freely and unconditionally, 100% of my entire RANGERS FC Portfolio to The RANGERS FC UNION BEARS Society. Should The UNION BEARS Society take up or not take up this offer then I still plan to further help RANGERS FC financially over the coming seasons. If The Union Bears Society would like to get any Legal Documentation made up I will sign it if needs be, I will also pay for any honest legal fees and your future running costs as a Society. You know where I live.

Muhammad Ali Hart.

Mr Struth,s friend.


Tue,  Oct-3-2023, 12.45pm,HSDH. 2 days ago Mr Struth appeared to me in a vision, he had a big grin on his face and he gave me The Thumbs Up Sign. 




Sun, 17-Mar-2024, 3.30pm, HSDH.

Next month RANGERS Play CELTIC at IBROX - 7-April-2024, They are putting up a Licenced DRINKS TENT for RANGERS Suporters on that day for them to celibrate after the match. This is only a sugestion/idea but if The UNION BEARS Society would like to use that DRINKS Tent on a different date to hold their own celibatory sesson then I would pay for the rent of the Tent and the first 6 rounds of Pints/Drinks plus Sandwiches/eats  in memory of my late dad WILLIE HART, 1914-1982, and all the most pleasant Protestant men and woman I have met in my life up to now. This offer to The UNION BEARS Society is being done at the discretion and say of my Financial Controllers who know best the state of my finances but if it is given the OK then I hope The UNION BEARS Society enjoy THE WEE FREE BEAVY SESSION, FOLLOW FOLLOW.


T Totaller and Happy.